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*NEW* Animated Mesh Huntable SLEENs Version 4.00

*NEW* Animated Mesh Huntable SLEENs

1) WATCH IT ! Click "Watch it in action" right below the image up above (a short animated GIF)

2) WATCH IT ! Click the "View Video" at bottom of this page (a longer MP4 video on YouTube).

3) WATCH all the different animals (AniMesh Playlist) on YouTube:

**NOTE** that these AniMesh animals ship as physically MODIFY (and COPY), but...
••• current SL AniMesh ignores any inworld edited size change and always draws the AniMesh object at its PREDEFINED SIZE !!

• animated free roaming and HUNTABLE Sleens
• *ANIMATED Mesh*: walks; sometimes stands tall and looks around; runs and jumps when shot
• you set its home (center) and its roaming range and speed
• NOTE: you can ride it (if owner sets to pet) and/or ride and steer it (if owner sets to vehicle)
• when hit (using almost any weapon), it becomes increasingly red until it is killed
• when shot/struck it runs or aggressively attacks the hunter (NOT its SF owner) (SpellFire, GM, GCM damage)

Similar to its non huntable peaceful version, this COPYable animal will add atmosphere to your SIM lands, especially forest lands or medieval lands. It walks around (you specify its home and its roaming radius), sometimes stopping to graze or to look around, sometimes jumping. Because it is COPYable, you can have one or a whole herd.

Except this animal is HUNTABLE. It will suffer damage from any ranged weapons (Arrows or other projectiles) and/or SpellFire swords. It will make sound when attacking the hunter and other sound when it is hit and wounded. Once hit and wounded, it will run and will aggressively attack the hunter (but NOT its SF owner) with SpellFire, GM, GCM damage. When just roaming, it can be set to be peaceful or to attack when people get too close.

Hunted animals give generic R.P. MEAT and HIDE objects. The animals are "SITable" (if the owner enables "GROUP Friend") and are "STEERable" (if the owner enables "VEHICLE Steer").

This animal uses a good low poly mesh and textures to be an attractive 3D implementation while its hand selected LODs keep prims (Land Impact) as low as practical. Its one movement script and exploitation of new "AniMesh" animation keeps lag to a minimum.

You can see various animals inworld at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Exotic%20Forest/185/185/2200

Please come and play with the wild animals, it saves us having to feed them.

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Animated free roaming and huntable Sleens
  • Animated Mesh: Walks, sometimes stands tall and looks, runs and jumps when shot
  • you set its home(center) and roam range and speed
  • When hit (using almost any weapon), it becomes increasingly red
  • When hit, it runs and/or attacks (SpellFire,GM, GCM damage) the hunter
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 10, 2021 by Kolasis

REVIEW UPDATE: Bought these for a roleplay hunt and people loved them! They look great, move well and the notecards are easy to update. The creator was a huge help in making these work with the melee meter system that we use and provided his own meter as an option. They can walk off the edge of the sim so do watch where you place them but totally recommend these and the other similar products from this guy!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 25, 2020 by Tersa Vella

I'm a bit of a prankster and well, it's quite entertaining to place an angry attack sleen out where it's not expected! Even with attack mode off, the sleens still nudge you around, which is pretty funny. :)

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Good product
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 08, 2020 by MarcusBrandon

Funny, it is good for training with weapons and to make a forest more dangerous to cross and walk.
I'm satisfied

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Wonderful role playing tool
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 08, 2020 by Nelly Giordano

It looks very good and is certainly the best looking animal of its kind for role play on gor.

There are a few things that would improve the role play experience:

A passive mode where it does not react to be attacked for role play purposes. The only solution is to turn it off which does not trigger it to become dead after enough damage appearently.

An optional change of damage it does. It is pretty nasty as of now as it does sword damage. Ugh.

In the role play i had with it it would not do damage to a GM but only to a Zcs meter.

But overal great value and recommended!

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Five stars because ...
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 26, 2020 by Aredhel Finistair

...its the best sleen in SL gor!

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Just too cool
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 08, 2019 by Carter Davidov

Nice sculpts. Very good movement. Just watching these things wander my yard send chills down the spine.

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