★ NEW! ★ Rotating Text Ring - Customizable spinning message

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★ Customizable text message that rotates around your avatar ★
➤ 100% menu driven
➤ Editable text message up to 64 characters
➤ Always on, or visible when you are AFK
➤ 15 professional fonts
➤ Color change (including rainbow option!)
➤ Custom script, very low resource footstep
➤ Object: copy/mod. Script: copy
➤ Free, life-time updates
★ Clockwork Bird ★
Quality gadgets by Oriolus Oliva
L$ 99
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
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- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Partial Mesh