G Generell

NG Designs - The Rowan Tree crate

NG Designs - The Rowan Tree crate

Since the dawn of time the Rowan has been associated with magic. The Rowan tree has always been valued for its ability to provide forewarnings or foreknowledge, and has the ability to help us increase our psychic abilities and connections. It gives an increased awareness of enchantments or of outside influences. This, along with an increase in personal power and vitality, is why it is such an important tree.

The ancient Druids of Ireland also lit fires of Rowan wood before battles and incantations were spoken over the flames to summon spirits to take part in the fight and to combat evil forces.

Since wearing a Rowan talisman, or carrying a piece of Rowan touchwood enhance abilities of the user, expect to do a profitable trade around festival times such as imbolic or Beltane. During Imbolic the rowan was thought to facilitate an opening of the doorway to receiving messages from the Otherworld and our spirit helpers and guides. At Beltane, sprigs of Rowan were often tied with string dyed red from the Rowan berries to cows' tails and horses' halters to protect them. Crossed branches of Rowan were often placed in doorways, cowsheds and stables for the same purpose. Rowan is the wood to use for making any magical tool which has anything to do with divining, invocation and communication with the spirit realms. The RP possibilities are endless!

THIS Rowan tree provides three levels of RP space. Richly appointed living quarters are on the first floor which comes complete with built in bed, cosy window seat and roaring fireplace. Now because not everyone has the same taste, the soft furnishings are all texture change by touch with many possible combinations.

The middle level has a texture change floor and provides a secretive space for your scrying or divining work.
If Meditation which is focused on getting in touch with spirit guides in the otherworld is greatly enhanced by holding a Rowan twig, wand or touchwood, just imagine how strong your visions will become while meditating amongst the upper limbs on the top level of your Rowan tree home.

Whatever your connection to the Rowan, be sure to look out for the changes that will occur as a result of any communication with this tree. It should not be underestimated. It has always been used by the wise ones and revered as a powerful influence and should be treated with the greatest respect.

Total prims: 68.

Footprint:12 x 13 without roots 21 x 23 with roots- this can be controlled by varying the depth of the house when rezzed.

The built in bed has both singles and PG Couples poses. For couples poses "Sit" on the pillows. For Singles poses "sit" on the mattress.
Touching any soft furnishing will change the texture. There are:
30 textures in the bed coverlet
20 textures in drapes
19 textures in blanket
23 textures per pillow
8 textures in private chamber
23textures in the bench
17textures in each of the bench cushions

The Bench also has singles and Couples poses. "Sit" on the cushions to the left (when facing bench) for couples poses and "sit" on the cushion to the right for single. For ground poses "sit" on the cushion propped against the bench.

As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact me and I'll get back to you asap!!

If you wish to tour this build, please come to my store in Briarhaven and proceed up the stairs to the rezzing platform.

Thank you for your patronage

Naeve Greybeard
NG Designs.

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