G Generell

::NIKOMESH::Full Permission Fun Cake

::NIKOMESH::Full Permission Fun Cake

Full Permission Fun Cake

:: NIKOMESHxx ::

▶Full Permission

▶Land Impact 3 prims
▶Textures included
▶The product comes non script
▶Permission Copy ☑ Modify ☑ Transfer ☑
▶We recommend you to look at the products with ultra mode

✔ 100% Mesh ♥ ♥

✔ Diffuse Maps
✔ Normal Maps
✔ Specular Maps



The term 'full perm' in this instance means you are permitted to use the mesh objects and maps in your builds - personal & commercial but the the mesh items and textures may NOT be sold as full perm items.

You MAY:

- Use this mesh in your creations and resell using EITHER copy OR transfer permissions.

- Export the ambient maps to your computer to edit and create your own textures, adding them to the objects purchased.


- Sell this mesh individually without making changes..

- Sell the mesh in your creations with all permissions.

- Sell the mesh in your creations with permissions copy and transfer simultaneously.

***** Support Niko Mesh by leaving a review of the product. That will help us to improve things forward and will be much apreciated *****


Thank you for purchasing at our store!
If you have problem and question, please send message or notecard to Nikolajxx
Thank you! ♥♥♥