G Général

[GM] Photo Lights Version 5.00

[GM] Photo Lights

Simple to use Photo Lights system.

Multiple colour options. Multiple light angle options. Face Boost extra.

1 wearable rig (invisible) and 1 HUD.

Join our group in SL - secondlife:///app/group/065c08ac-ff74-d127-d680-9c57c1fb7160/about

Check out our new flickr group for some examples of images created using the HUD. https://www.flickr.com/groups/gmphotolights/

Voir l'article dans Second Life
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best purchase ever!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 27/1/2021 de Lumen Evergarden

here's my list of reasons I'm really happy to have tried this out:
- it's pretty much made for the lazy or easily overwhelmed, without being feature-poor.
- the color options are thoughtfully chosen so the lighting is a delight to use and mix
- just the right number of options without getting too clogged
- the price is amazing for how much it improves your photos and your visuals in general

the product is amazing and I'm recommending it to others. ♥ thanks!

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