Struggling to make meaningful and interesting conversation with your new friend?
Do you want to deepen your existing relationship?
We know the struggle.. so forget the cellphone, internet and all the complicated apps! THIS is the new social technology developed by NOMAD!
Just rez and touch to get a random question, and you will have something to talk about with your friend!
100+ questions included!
This is "The Wise Man" - Suitable for deeper, philosophical discussions.
Do you need something lighter, easy and friendly?
No problem, try "The Social Guru" in related products instead!
Great for philosophical minds.
If you like to discuss profound questions, this item won't disappoint you. It contains some classic philosophical questions and also some interesting other hard nuts to crack. But definitely nothing for the garden party where you just want to be silly.
Five stars. My only recommendation: Let us add our own questions. That would really make it perfect.