Nat Kids Bedroom Info
Copyright(c) 2008, Nat Home Center
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NAT HOME CENTER - NHC (128,128,29)
+ Permissions
- Modify - No
- Copy - No
- Transfer - Yes
+ Prim Count
- 37 Prims.
+ Content of Package
- 1 Bed (with Sleep animation)with Desk;
- 1 Closet (Both Doors Opening);
- 1 Chair (Multi Pose);
- 2 Picture;
- 1 Rug (Mod).
+ Script
- Multi-Pose Script with animations for
seat with key control.
- Nat Give Simple OBJ Engine.
- Nat Cabinet Door Engine.
+ How To Use
- Click sit in bed for bedtime.
- Click at the closet to open the door.
- Touch in the paper to get a pencil , and wear a pencil .
+ Support, Informations and Updates
If you want to keep informed about new products,
updates and use our online support, join the group: Nat Home Center News.