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Nebula Class Runabout boxed

Nebula Class Runabout boxed

Introducing the Nebula Class Runabout, a very practical and hardy runabout for exploring new Star systems! Its practical for transporting, roomy for socializing, and capable of doing battle!


1 object

106 prims

flies physically


Rez out the Nebula Class runabout on a sim that allows rezzing and scripts to work.

Enter the Runabout via the rear door.

Right click on pilots seat and "board"

say start in local chat to start the engines.

Use Page up, page down and the arrow keys to direct the flight

Special features

Warping - (Paxwerx warp system) say alt then your desired altitude to warp, for example to warp to 3000 meters just say alt 3000

Alert system - Click on Security panel to activate/deactivate alert status.

Food - click on Replicator panel on table

Tactical - sit at Tactical station, go to "mouseview" - aim and left click to shoot bright blue glowing/damaging missiles.


A very nice and thoroughly tested rugged runabout. Roomy enough inside to socialize, and versatile enough to battle in space! Enjoy!

Admiral Steve Atlanta

  • Flies physically with Vaher script
  • Shoots damaging missiles
  • Warps to altitude of your choosing
  • Working food dispenser
  • Beds