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Nezapp RC-Nehi Deluxe Soda Dispenser and Reseller Vendors

Nezapp RC-Nehi Deluxe Soda Dispenser and Reseller Vendors
Nezapp RC-Nehi Deluxe Soda Dispenser and Reseller Vendors
1 Review

NeZapp RC-Nehi Deluxe Soda Dispenser
Designed by Nelson Quonset * Scripting by Zappowappy Ball

Thank you for your interest in our nifty NEZAPP DELUXE SODA DISPENSER! Also check out the 7-Up design! This machine dispenses a variety of nostalgic brands of soft drinks. Each bottle, when worn by the recipient (in inventory, right-click and "wear" the bottle), s/he will be holding the bottle in the avatar's right hand, and intermittent drinking animations will commence!

If you are the owner of this device, you have the ability to adjust two aspects:

1. Cost of a bottle: Any range between 0L to 10L, in increments of 1.
2. The sound volume of the animated lid, which opens and closes when a customer is provided a menu of the available brands.


A customer/visitor clicks the cooler out of sheer curiosity. A message is whispered enticing the person to take/buy a bottle (the cost will be mentioned if you set the cost to a non-zero value.) If a cost is involved, the customer will need to right-click and "pay" the required amount.

Now the cool stuff happens...

The top of the cooler will slide open, complete with an 'opening' sound. Inside the cooler, a whole bunch of bottles will be seen (a neat effect!) .

You might think all those bottles are eating up prims, but they are all temp-on-rez, meaning they don't use up your parcel's prim allocation (when the lid is closed, they disappear).

At this point, the customer is presented with a menu of the available soda brands. The top door will then close.


With every NeZapp Deluxe Soda Dispenser, you get a copyable Reseller Vendor for both the RC-Nehi and 7-Up dispenser brands. Display one or both vendors wherever you like, and you will collect 20% commission for anyone who buys through you!


Q: Can I modify the Nezapp Deluxe Soda Dispenser?
A: Sorry, but no. Any owner interaction is via a pop-down blue dialog when the device is touched.

Q: Can anyone configure this machine?
A: No. Only you as the exhalted owner have this precious ability.

Q: Can I drop my own soda bottles into the machine, therebye adding to the current inventory?
A: Sorry, but no. This machine is No-Modify, so any enhancements on your behalf are not possible.

Q: Can I configure it to accept payments higher than 10L?
A: No, for the same reason as above, this product is strictly no-modify. Bottle dispensing objects in SecondLife are a "dime-a-dozen", so we doubt anyone would ever want to pay more than 10L for similar bottles that are freely handed out elsewhere.

Q: Are updates free?
A: Indubitably!

Q: What does "Indubitably" mean?
A: I don't know, but the answer is "By all means, YES!"

You can see this product at Blacktail Ridge (33, 239, 118)

If you have any any comments on the design please contact Nelson Quonset. For any technical issues with the moving parts, contact yours truly (Zappo!)

Sincerely yours,
Zappowappy Ball
Nelson Quonset

  • Soda dispenser with sliding door.
  • Customer sees a cluster of soda products when cooler is opened.
  • Hands out soda product to customer.
  • Configure soda price between 0 and 10L.
  • Nostalgic look!!! It'll bring you back in time.
Average rating: full star full star full star full star empty star
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L$ 199

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