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:: O-T :: Black Hole Heart バージョン 1.0

:: O-T :: Black Hole Heart

First product from :: Omega-Techs :: ever!

A tiny device that obliterates your heart and replaces it with microscopic black hole!
It beats!

Enjoy your Valentines day!~<3

Side effects that may occur: Skin tearing, Heartlessness, A hollow feeling, Evil tendencies, Implosions, End of the world as we know it.

Alpha layers are used in this. There's a "small hole" version included in case things look a bit too open on a larger avatar.
The main skin tearing layer comes in all clothing options, including tattoo layer.
The texture is in white to recolor, in case you'd like your universe to have some light shining through. Or perhaps have a sun inside your chest instead. (This might come as a later product)
The 3 prim effect inside your chest is moddable and easily resizable.

If there's anything off with the product, feel free to contact me and I shall help you to my fullest.

  • Replaces your heart with a Black Hole!