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[OO] Avatar Ruler - precise height detector Version 1.4

[OO] Avatar Ruler - precise height detector

This handy little device is the most precise scripted avatar height measuring tool available today.

Due to an old bug, the outdated freebie height detectors are giving wrong results - usually much lower values than your avatar's actual height, and almost every viewer's appearance editor is giving totally different values.
The only precise measuring tool today is a proportionally scaled pole - like this one - with a scripted indicator to help reading your height. (You can clearly see your avatar's actual height if you stand next to this pole - and you can compare this value to the scripted indicator's result. Our goal is to keep the two numbers as close as possible by a script.)

This product is a 250 cm high wooden meter pole to show your avatar's height in standard international centimeters and British imperial units (feet & inches) - counting your shoes. It also remarks if someone's avatar is unnaturally tall for being a human.

Everybody knows the typical children's illness of newbies: the "Ogre Stature Disease" - so I have decided to give this away as a freebie to help everyone making nice and more realistic avatars.
Please feel free to take our gift - use it, or even throw it away and write a bad review if you woke up in a bad mood. :)

- Menu driven operation
- Average height of users
- Visual height indicator
- Custom, lag-free script
- Custom textures
- Free (not for resale!)

The Golden Oriole
Antiques & Curiosities

*** Many thanks to Frau Jo Yardley and the 1920's Berlin Project's community for testing this product!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 15, 2012 by Irene Muni

Five Stars

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 05, 2012 by Sedia Darkrose


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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 18, 2011 by Calhoun Hock

Good quality as always , and it is free , thank you !

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Okay for a freebie but doesn't give accurate reading.
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted November 17, 2011 by Rose Mackie

This is a "touch see how tall you are" detector and the creator doesn't give the formula used to return height. The result I get from this detector is several inches taller than other detectors.

According to the appearance editor, I am 4.91 feet tall. Adding the max inches (7") the wiki claims the appearance editor may be off, that is about 5'5". According to this ruler, I am 5'11".

Note that according to the wiki, avatar height is very difficult to gauge at best.

I changed this rating from a 2 to a 3 to match the other freebie height detectors I've tried and reviewed.

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