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[OO] Chat Droid - Artificial unintelligence! Version 3.0

[OO] Chat Droid - Artificial unintelligence!
[OO] Chat Droid - Artificial unintelligence!
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Chat Droid - User manual
Chat robot / greeter / visitor counter droid and shop assistant with A.I.

Main features:
- Artificial intelligence with original personality for chatting
- Emotions: Facial expressions and custom sound effects
- Hovering animation with particle effects (On/Off from menu)
- Custom secret chat channel to speak under the name of your droid
- Visitor greeter mode for shops or clubs with customizable message
- Customizable sensor and greeting range via menu
- Visitor tracking with various options
- Landmark giver function
- Notecard giver function
- Object giver function
- Group joiner function (On/Off from menu)
- Permission to modify (except the scripts) for resizing, retexturing, etc.
- Low lag, custom Mono scripts.

1. Setting up:
- Setting up your droid is quite easy: first of all, just rezz it from your inventory.

- You can change it's name in Edit mode (Right click -> Edit -> Change the object's 'Name' filed)

- If you want to set up your droid to dispense landmark, notecard or a gift item,
just drop them into the droid's inventory. Your droid will give them away to your visitors on touch.

- Set up the droid's group! If the group inviter mode is active (the default is OFF),
it will invite your customers into the droid's group on touch.

- Move your droid to it's final position. Now you should activate the hovering mode.
(Please remember: always switch off the hovering before you move it!)

2. Chatbot function:
Owner can choose the following options from the menu:

- Use the "Chat!" button from my menu to start, or "Bye!" to stop chatting

- Owner only mode: I won't chat with anyone else than my owner

Owner can use my secret channel to say something to me - I will repeat it.
(The secret channel is shown in the menu and changing after every rez/reset
for security reasons)

- Public mode (default): I will chat with anyone

Anyone can use my secret channel to say something to me - I will repeat it.
(The secret channel is not public - only the owner can see it in the menu)
(Any user can touch me to start chatting and touch again to stop it)

- I will stop listening automatically after 5 minutes of silence

- Mood (Facial expressions when talking):
Normal: Happy, content, sad and angry faces
Happy: Happy faces only
Not sad: Happy and content faces (Default)

3. Greeter, visitor tracker function:

- Owner can set up the default greeting message by editing my description line.
The default message is "Hello %USER! Welcome to my place! Touch me to start a conversation!"
(Where the word %USER will be replacing with your visitor's name)

- Owner can switch the greeter mode ON (default) or OFF from menu.

- If Greeter mode is ON, you can set the following options:

- Change my sensor range between 1 and 96 meters with the "Range +" or "Range -" buttons from the menu.
The default (and recommended) value is 15m. I will greet your visitors within this range, and collect their names in the Visitor list.

- Visitor IM's: By activating this option, I will inform you about your new visitors in instant messages. (Default: OFF to reduce spamming)

- Visitors: List of your recent visitors (up to 100!)

- Clear list - clears the visitor list.

- Reset: sets back the default values, gives a new secret channel and clears the visitor list.

Oriolus Oliva - The Golden Oriole, Antiques & Curiosities

See item in Second Life
  • Artificial intelligence with original personality for chatting
  • Emotions: Facial expressions and custom sound effects
  • Notecard, landmark, object giver, group joiner
  • Custom secret chat channel to speak under the name of your droid
  • Visitor tracking and greeter mode for stores with customizable message

L$ 750

Adding to cart as gift


★ Clockwork Bird ★ - the gadgeteer
★ Clockwork Bird ★ - the gadgeteer
Sold by: Oriolus Oliva

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 6