IMPORTANT: All vehicles Optmus Race, uses the latest version of the ACS script, version 7.02, the best version of the best script.
IMPORTANT: The rezz system is copy, the vehicles are temporary in the rezz system. To prevent many vehicles from being opened on the ground. If you have doubts, contact me, ValentinoArmani
Hud incluid
02 occupants
KCP Redirect
SD Script (vehicle-naming)
Physical Features
59 primitives
Use mode Turbo
Change gears
Shadow with realistic physical effects in curves
Fan effect and bearings running
Smoke Effects
Burning tire Effect
Skid effect in curves and braking
Different sounds
Pilot Protection System, crash protection
Engine and exhaust move
There are 11 colors to choose from. ( There are 07 different themes to choose)
last generation script, super light. (Last generation scripts, very fast to rezz)
If the car is not used, it disappears, space saving. (If the car is not being used, it disappears, prims saving)
You can open as many cars are necessary. (You can rezz as many cars as you need)
How to use:
You place the display on your site and your ready, anyone can use. (Place the display on your land and it is ready, anyone can use it)
The display has only 5 prim and the car has 59 prims, perfect for change of land. (The display has only 2 prim and the car has 59 prims, you won't have problems if you drive into a different land)
Box contents: (Content)
02 display to install on your land with 07 cars that anyone will be able to use. ( 01 display to install on your land with 07 cars that anyone will be able to use)
If there is doubt, Contact US! ( If you have any doubts, Please Contact Us!)
See item in Second LifeJust Enjoy ur Realistic Ferrari. Made in Optmus Race "The best"
This car has the best funcionality system and its very fast has a lots of beauty colors , inside looks like a realistyc car. I luv my car, s2
Ty so much Enginner ValentinoArmani.
Não tenho outra palavra para definir esse carro, a qualidade e a funcionalidade do veiculo é perfeito eu recomendo.
Esporte e lazer
Qualidade e preço justo em único produto, perfeito para desfrutar de aventuras e passeio no seu Sl. Qualidade que vce ja conhece Optimus Race.
Amazing thing!
I finally can run with friends. This rezzer works very well, without lag. The car is amazing. All the features works like described.
The car is low prim, only 59. Then we can run with friends very well. The particles of the car (burning tire effect) is very cool. The sounds went well worked, very realistic.
We can choose the colors and this very cool because the "custom side". I mean we can have the car in the color we like more, and this works with friends too.
The car disappering after a time is fantastic. Because some times we lost something rezzed, and the car will not make us lost prims in the land, because it disappears.
The creator made a very cool work once again. Congratulations. Five Stars!