Ocelot Fighter boxed
Introducing the Ocelot Fighter. A very versatile and easy to fly fighter that actually shoots damaging bullets, also allows going to Mouselook and aiming and shooting Phasers! It is a single person fighter, no need to wait for a gunner to join you, you can shoot aimable Phasers yourself!
1 Object
31 prims
10.3 m long X 6.5 m wide
Seats 1 person
Pilot - can fly ship and fire photon torpedoes forward and can go to "mouselook" and aim and left click mouse to shoot phaser bolts
Public - due to the nature of Starfighting I made this a "Public" flyer so you and your team can all fly it
Basic instructions
Go to any sim where rezzing and flying is allowed
If you intend to shoot, make sure shooting is allowed!
Right click on the Ocelot Fighter and click on "Board"
A computer voice will recognize you...or anyone who sits in it ( it can be flown by anyone) "Welcome Pilot"
Type start in local chat to start the shuttles engines
Use Page up , page down, and the arrow keys to control the direction of flight
To end flying simply "stand up"
Pilot - while flying, simply click on the rear logo-plate and a red photon torpedo will shoot out the front of the fighter. To shoot aimable Phaser blasts oo to mouseview and you will get a clear view out the front of the ships view window, aim the "crosshairs" and then LEFT click your mouse to shoot white phaser blasts, very accurately and very damaging!
NOTE : This is a one person Fighter and the Pilot can do everything! That means Shooting, flying, warping, and shooting/aiming in Mouselook! (Single Person Attack Craft = SPAC technology)
This ship has a cool feature of being able to "warp" to any altitude. To do this, fly as normal, then say alt and your desired altitude in local chat. For example to go to 3000 meters high you would say...
alt 3000
This cool fighter has been tested and used in many missions and has proven capable and fun to use! I hope you have as much fun with it as we do!
Admiral Steve Atlanta
- Flies physically
- Warps to any altitude desired
- Shoots aimable Phaser blasts