Old Public House Version 1,0
Included in the price is a selection for furniture please see the 'Bungalow Cottage' listing for an example furniture images.
The one and only aim of this building was to create a large multi-purpose building that was very low prim. The building comes in at only 20 prim
-Please Note-
1/ The building is modify, but is shown as none modify when bought, this is just due the the 'open close' door script not being modify, but this too can be modified via a notecard in the doors.
2/ The price shown is for the building only. The furniture supplied with the house buildings are free, because we are nice :)
3/ The windows in this building are not prim winodws, they are textured windows only.
4/ If you want to modify the building and so edit linked prims, but are new to sl and not confident on how you do this. Please feel free to contact me and I will send you clear instructions. Its very easy really, but until you know how, its a mystery.
- Building