A conversion kit designed to allow you to use your Tango and Phat Azz Appliers with your Kitties Lair body.
It also responds to our "Omega Appliers", which will eventually have kits for all the major mesh bodys and parts ^.^ (Dev Kit Available in store)
For more info, check our blog at:
Works Great!
It's so easy. You just rez your body on the ground and then drop the script in and that's it. This is a must have!
Awesome Product
This works sooooo well and opens up so much more choice for skins and clothing. A must buy for anyone with a Lena body.
It actually works.....
Okay so I purchased a Lena body and that body is amazing but there is hardly any skin support for it!
Enter Omega applier system. I purchased a Slink physique applier for my favorite skin then I used the Slink NC converter also sold by LNL to turn that applier into an omega applier. Then, I used the 'listening' script included in this package to enable omega appliers for my Lena body. and it worked! I have my skin and i can use lola and Phat azz appliers on Lena 'lush' body.The process is a little confusing and not all of my favorite skin designer's products are working, but it was well worth the money.