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OnP Panties HUDs for Maitreya, Belleza

OnP Panties HUDs for Maitreya, Belleza

OnP HUD for adding Clothing layers to Maitreya Lara and Belleza Venus mesh body (sold separately)

This is not a mesh body, but it is a product that works with one that you purchase separately. And these products inside this HUD are not mesh. They are instead the layers of clothing that you may need, depending on our HUD, for underclothes, or something you wish skin tight and simple like swimwear or tops.

The Mesh Revolution

We certainly do applaud the mesh revolution on Second Life and are also amazed at how well some of the mesh bodies are made. In particular, we have seen and like the Maitreya Lara mesh body (sold separately by them) or the Belleza Venus mesh Body (sold separately by them). Several who work at our mall now have purchased these mesh bodies.

So what does this Hud do?

It can add clothing layers beneath or in place of mesh clothing. And we try to keep this hud at a reasonable price. Just click the HUD in your inventory, ensure your Second life browser is adjusted to full screen (HUDs depend on placement on a full screen - and will be a bit off or far off with a partial screen). Then just click the color and or choice that you wish. The Mesh software will then ask what layer you wish to put the item with? Tattoo layer? (bottom layer), underwear layer (middle layer) or clothing (top layer).

Is this an odd thing to do? Most users of mesh seem to already combine their nice mesh outer clothes with clothing layers like these made by HUDs already. We just decided to try and offer some alternatives, at what we consider a reasonable price.

Information on usage of course is supplied with the products

Hope you enjoy!

Suzie Larsen and Hunter Bronet
for OnP Owl and Pussycat
in SL Tissela and on SL Marketplace

  • Simple Hud with many options
  • Often several color choices
  • Reasonably Priced (out opinion)
  • Uses Mesh Layers for mostly under mesh clothing