The "Pacific" is a top floor luxury penthouse skybox featuring its very own private infinity pool, large frameless windows, interesting details and so much more!
The two-story interior layout consists of a large open plan top floor adjoined by the outdoor terrace, with frameless glass windows overlooking the pool and the views beyond!
The lower level features all of the private spaces: a master bedroom with its own smaller bathroom (or closet, it's up to you!) a medium sized corner bedroom, a smaller bedroom in the back and a large and well lit, yet private bathroom.
The pool can seat 6 people at a time and features 30+ lounging animations (28 Singles and 6 Couple animations), and the terrace offers plenty of space for entertaining, additional decor and outdoor furniture :).
Key Features:
- 3 Bedrooms and 1 and a half bathrooms.
- Infinity pool featuring 30+ lounging animations
- Luxurious glossy wood paneling in 5 colors in the corner bedroom.
- Polished concrete accent walls in 2 Bedrooms (6 and 7 Colors each).
- Optional custom rugs in each bedroom (4 Colors + On/Off Toggle).
- Large modern frameless glass windows.
- Marble accents throughout.
- Modern stone flooring (materials enabled).
- Optional backdrop (in 7 flavors)
- Large marble wraparound fireplace.
As always, the skybox comes with a Details HUD which includes a few different customizing options for you to play with!
Full and half texture resolution versions are included with this skybox, with the latter being designed to prevent lag and/or texture thrashing on lower spec systems.
This package consists of:
• Onsu ~ "Pacific" Skybox ~ 60 L.I (31x25)
• Onsu ~ "Pacific" Skybox ~ Smaller Texture Version ~ 60 L.I (31x25)
• Onsu ~ "Pacific" Skybox ~ No Environment ~ 64 L.I (43x39)
• Onsu ~ "Pacific" Skybox ~ No Environment ~ Smaller Texture Version ~ 64 L.I (43x39)
• User manual
a Details HUD which includes:
• 5 stone floor colors + full shading
• 5 stone floor colors + no shading
• 5 hallway wood paneling colors
• 5 corner bedroom wood paneling colors
• 4 rug colors + on/off switch
• 6 master bedroom concrete accent colors + plain
• 6 smaller bedroom concrete accent colors + plain
• 7 sky surround options
⚠ A "delete all scripts HUD" which aids in quickly removing scripts from various buildings and components.
See item in Second Life- Texture change HUD
- Scripted doors with permission system
- Pool with 30+ animations
- Working fireplace
- Realistic, easy to decorate layout
I recommend
My first skybox I had purchased in SL, a great size with good customization options and a easy to use HUD. Really worth the price
Wow! This skybox is amazing, and you can check it out in world for yourself before buying. I love the creative layout. It has plenty of rooms downstairs, which makes a change from so many houses in SL which are just big empty open-plan designs. The pool is great. This is just the thing to buy if you are looking for a nice modern skybox and it is well worth the price, I think.
Beautiful home
Just bought this and l am loving it the pool expecially, l have a few homes from ONSU the only ones l will buy, they never disappoint me and will be buying more in the near future. Thank you ONSU.
Great Buy - looks amazing - Pleased - another great build from ONSU
Fantastic skybox for my sim - 100% fabulous