#Outlaw Camp "SURVIVOR"
>> complete creation no rezzer needed <<
The End is near. Only a view peolpe alive.
They build a camp to survive but they come ...
Complete Roleplayer Camp for:
Postapocalyptic, Wasteland, Zombie Attack, War etc.
* most parts are Mesh
* scripted Gate touch for open/Close
* scripted burning parts fire on/off
* you need 25m x25m space to rez
* usable as skyplatform too
* only 62 Land Impact
This Camp is created for action Roleplay
enjoy ;)
if there is any question pls send me a Notecard
my IMs get capped often
join my Group for free (you can find in my Profile)
- most parts are Mesh
- compatible Mesh viewer needed
- scripted fire and gate
- footprint 25 x 25
- 62 Li
all in one
jackpot here is everything you need. a complete survival camp for the zombie apocalypse. there is enough space in the courtyard to park my vehicles. best buy fo me.