:[P]:- Fluna II - DEMO
![:[P]:- Fluna II - DEMO](https://slm-assets.secondlife.com/assets/33322887/view_large/Fluna%20II%20MAIN%20demodemodmoed.jpg?1683602221)

As stated about 45 times before, if you have the old version, send me a message for a free update. The updates have always been FREE.
For like a long time. I updated the scripts, textures, renders and am selling new texturte packs regularly, but if you have it already, you get it for free. That was the agreement and I am true to my word. Simply send me a pic of you wearing it (This was pre-caspervend lmao) and i'll send it. Pretty simple.
Fluna Tails V.2!
Release the Floof!
The Fluna II tail comes bento rigged with a slew of animations and static poses alike in a menu driven pop up! Have your own favorite tail AO? That works too! Fluna comes bento rigged to be able to be used with any standard bento tail AO on the market as well.
Other features include:
★ Beautiful handmade textures in a wide array of colors and styles.
★ Three sizes from small to EXTRA FLOOFY.
★ Color packs include 15 fur textures and 30 metal textures.
★ Fatpacks include a bonus color pack!
★ Textures made for Fluna I work for Fluna II!
If you purchased an original color pack from 2017, you can have a redelivery manually sent. Contact a manager inworld.
The Fluna Tails are a longstanding staple of Petrichor, designed and conceptualized by Vae Darkheart of Petrichor & Llewellyn of AtenKa {I forgot to add this on. It wasnt directly brought to my attention in the adult manner it should've, but I'm a firm believer in correcting my mistakes and doing the right thing.) many years ago and made real by the hiring of a mesh artist to produce the 3D Asset. The Asset has been paid for (FULLY) and is the property of Vae Darkheart and the respective individual who owns the Vae Darkheart Account under Florida and US Law that covers copyright and ownership properties of 3D assets within the game of Second Life.
★ To see more about this item and it's features, check the pictures and read all info closely!
★ Dear awesome you person, thank you very much for shopping at .Petrichor.!
★ .Petrichor. is committed to making clothes, accessories, skins, decor, and much more to accent and upgrade your virtual life.
★ Any questions, comments, or feedback or customer service requests can go to me in NC form inworld, search Vae Darkheart!
★ It means a lot to me to get good feedback! Problems? Send me a notecard inworld so we can get it resolved before you leave a negative review.
★ Need info on this specific item? Shoot an inquiry our way! We are happy to help <3
★ Want to be informed of awesome new releases and updates?
★ .Petrichor. Blog: https://petrichor-art.org/
★ .Petrichor. Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/vaelian/
★ .Petrichor. Inworld SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lune/131/127/1515
★ .Petrichor. Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/25375 In Order by release date: http://tinyurl.com/PlastikCatalog
★ .Petrichor. Links to mesh info and the Second life Wiki: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/FAQ
★ .Petrichor. Inworld Group Link: secondlife:///app/group/b43442a1-b2f0-5f5e-2399-59af3d0bbb7e/about
★ .Petrichor. / Vae Darkheart
I had do a double look..
While I'm glad there is FINALLY a demo, it's a bit weird with animations and the hook tip you can't do nothing about. Thought it was original mesh too. It's not.
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
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- User Licensed