The Valenne Tail is a work of love almost a year in the making. We’re so proud and happy to present it to you for FF2022.
It comes with many, MANY options. A basics HUD is included with ten tail colors, and there are 18 color packs to choose from as addons. Other addons include Pearls for the tail fins, and Ribbons for the tail fins. Please remember to try a demo!
A deformer is included in the tail so that it performs the right way, and the utilities HUD makes customization easy with shine & environment sliders, hide and show buttons, and three sets of normal maps for different levels of bumpiness. These also come with BOM Scalefades for the torso and chest for added customization. All color (not marking) pack addons have the BOM tattoos pre-matched to the tones included in that pack.
You need an AO for this tail to work. At some point in the future I might animate an AO but I do not have the time and expertise required for it currently, and I refuse to put anything but my best work forward. We Suggest Tala or Diva AO. Must be bento. There’s a test animation that plays in the demo but it is just so that you can see how animations affect the tail skeleton
TAIL COMES IN MALE: GIANNI | JAKE | LEGACY – FEMALE: LEGACY | LARA | KUPRA | FREYA | EBODY . Mesh by ERSCH, Rigging, textures, scripting, and all else by Petrichor.
Really gorgeous mermaid tail to add to my collection. Worth every linden:)