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`☆**✰.PARTICLES.☆**☆ SPARKLY ~~ Particle Burst Effect *APRICOT* Box

`☆**✰.PARTICLES.☆**☆ SPARKLY ~~ Particle Burst Effect *APRICOT* Box

`☆**✰.PARTICLES.☆**☆ SPARKLY ~~ Particle Burst Effect *APRICOT*

Nice Particle Burst Effect in Different Colours available. This nice Sparkly got a nice Sparkler Sound to give it a more realistic Appearance. This Box includes 2 Sparklers in 1 Colour and they are by default attached to left and right Hand.

ATTENTION COLOUR !!! This Box includes "SPARKLY ~~ Particle Burst Effect *APRICOT* !!!!

Just rezz the Box and unpack into Your Inventory. Out of the Folder right-click the Sparkler and press "Wear". They will get attached to Your right / left Hand and as soon as attached the Sparkler Sound starts. If no more needed just right-click again in Your Inventory and press "Detach"

So the Sparkly is copy/no mod/no transfer you can Copy them and attach to as many BodyParts as You wish.

ATTENTION!!!!!!!! This Box does NOT include all shown Colours. ONLY ONE COLOUR included as you can read above in Description. The Picture just shows all available Colours. So make sure You pick the right one. No Refunds for misclick.


٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ATTENTION: All sales are final, no refunds or exchanges. Make sure that You are online in World or if You buy as a Gift that the Person who will recieve it is online in World and NO BUSY mode on. All our Items are generally copy/no mod/no transfer and no Refunds on any Purchases either Reseller Products or our own Creations.

Thank You for Your Interest in our Items and feel free to have a look at our Marketplace Store
ȯ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/786840

Crazy Folland & the Crazy Crew.