A MacBeth ColorChecker chart in Second Life!
This product includes the 2005 and 2014 versions of the chart. Click the chart to select a version.
This chart can be used to check color rendition under different lighting conditions. This can help you during content creation, or photography.
Please see here for more information - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ColorChecker
(Please note that the RGB values on that page are incorrect for the 2014 chart; and are based on the 2005 chart. The 2014 chart is a newer version and uses slightly different colors in accordance with the specification from XRite.)
The product also include the standard visual effects balls, the Chrome ball, and the 18% grey ball.
This product uses the PBR rendering system. You must use a PBR-capable (Viewer version 7 or above) viewer to use this product.
Great idea!
Thank you!
You know it's serious when you need this.
For 0$, can't beat that.