Universal Materials Texture Changer System
NEW: Blinn-Phong Only mode, so now you can use this for blinn-phong only, pbr only, or both at the same time, with either MENUS or HUD or both!
We changed our name! We've added so many features and functions to our "PBR" material texture changer, that we had to change the name!
Formerly it was called the PBR Materials Texture Changer System
Key Features:
- Handles PBR Materials, Blinn-Phong (Old style) Materials, or BOTH at the same time!
- Menu-driven or HUD-Based for furniture and clothing, or anything
- Change texture on rezzable objects and optionally synch with parent object
- Ability to modify EVERY GLTF and Blinn-Phong parameter
- Optionally auto-generate Blinn-Phong from PBR Base Color texture
- 4 Modes from simple to complex
- Security to restrict access to changer
- Scriptable API
ALL IN ONE!! PBR and NON-PBR Texture Changer with Menu or HUD operation!!
Personal Use vs Builder Version
The Personal Use Version is Free, but may not be distributed. It is COPY Yes/TRANS No.
Builder Version is not free. It can be distributed as either COPY YES/TRANS NO or COPY NO/TRANS YES. You must change it before you distribute it.
You get the following:
Universal Materials Texture Changer: Main Script v7.3
Universal Materials Texture Changer: LSD Loader V7.3
Universal Materials Texture Changer: Data Dump v7.3
These Instructions
API System includes:
Universal Materials Texture Changer: Object Prop Script v7.3
Universal Materials Texture Changer: Rezzed Prop Script v7.3
Universal Materials Texture Changer: API Instructions
HUD System includes:
Universal Materials Texture Changer: HUD Listener Script v7.3
Universal Materials Texture Changer: HUD Button Script v7.3
Example Hud
Example Clothing Item
Universal Materials Texture Changer: HUD System Instructions
- Builder Edition - Use in your products, now with API and Rezzed Object support
- HUD or Menu Driven Texture Changer!!!!
- Texture Changer for BOTH PBR and nonPBR materials IN ONE
- Automatic generation of fallback Diffuse texture, if desired
- Option to Encode Texture IDs. Uses persistent LSD data
Game Changer
This great product is going to change the way SL works with PBR. Customer service is always above and beyond any other creatorn I have met.
an important part of your business
I have had this for over a year now and the development has expanded beyond my expectations. this has gone from a first of its kind tool, to a must have tool!!! and I know so much more to follow. the creator is extremely active in development and support and is very responsive. Create Huds or Menu system the options are invaluable. Highest of praises!!!!
Great Product & Customer Service
Bandor had to talk me through a few steps to get this working for me but once he had, it works like a dream, save yourself some money and get this PBR texture changer
Very easy to set up with clear instructions highly recommend.
Exactly what I needed
The creator is really on top of things and does an excellent job keeping up with developments regarding PBR.