G General

*PF* Advent Children: First Tsurugi

*PF* Advent Children: First Tsurugi

Peridot Forging

Inspired by Advent Children: Final Fantasy VII and built in Second Life, it's Cloud's First Tsurugi. This stylish weapon was painstakingly crafted to be true to the original sword Cloud uses in the hit movie, Advent Children.

This weapon contains 4 custom combat animations, 4 standard combat animations, 5 custom combat stances, authentic Final Fantasy 7 sounds, a customized hud, and scripting which allows it to open and close on command.

A perfect addition to any weapon collection!

FF7 FFVII Cloud Strife Sephiroth Buster Sword

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I need an Imediate resend
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 12, 2011 by Sojyne Wulluf

delivered and didnt show in my inventory

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