Hello, thank you for your interest in this outfit
It works only for:
Belleza (venus, isis, freya)
Slink (physique, hourglass)
Maitreya Lara
Dev Nana
Meaning it is not meant to work for default body or other mesh bodies.
Customizable by texture hud
With and without pants option
you can visit in-world store to see item rezzed and play with the hud to mix all the texture options before purchase.
1.2: Added Legacy size
Added Kupra size
Remade Maitreya size because it was a mess
Fixed Freya size's legs
1.3 Added Reborn size
thats all ! thanks for reading
Pucca Firecaster
not lara friendly
be ready to alpha out most of your lower body, at least the top fits i guess
Oddly Inconsistent on Lara
For some strange reason, the pants version does not fit Maitreya legs at all, the crotch coming up nearly 2 full inches too high and forcing me to hide my entire lower body and resulting in me having tiny thin chicken legs. but the pants-less version fits over the crotch perfectly. I guess I'll be sticking with the pants-less but it seems very odd that there would be such a severe difference in items meant for the same body.
Great outfit for best body dev Nana! ;-D
Gorgeous design, thank you for supporting people with Nana mesh body! Love your creations. It's next level amazing! And thank you for modify permissions. Spent hours experimenting with textures and tinting, so versatile ;-D