PIXEL BOX - Necklace Angel Caller mesh avatar slink, eve, tonic, ebody, belleza, maitreya, #tmp, classic

Item sculpted for your favorites bodies.
You may need to change your shape slightly for fitting right for some sizes
Questions or suggestions please, send a note with your name and item name to Marian Kungler.
Thank you!
Terms of Use
PIXEL BOX Design products should be use in Second Life only.
PIXEL BOX Design products never be share with another avatars/alt avatars.
PIXEL BOX Design products are only Single User License.
Failure to comply will result in appropriate DCMA action and a Second Life Abuse Report.
I wear this lots of time, very impressed.
Simply wonderful!!! <3 Thank you for making this free :3
L$ 99
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
More info
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- User Licensed