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*PROMO* Animated-Mesh Dancing HEART Version 1.61

*PROMO* Animated-Mesh Dancing HEART

SPECIAL Limited-Time PROMO - only $450

• ANIMATED-MESH dancing HEART (rez one or several)
- object animation uses human BVH dance files (28 included [good purchased dances, not freebies] )
- - - the owner can add their own dance animations if they want, and/or remove dance animations
- any avatar can touch any object to dance (or stop)
• Owner can wear the HUD, or rez it for use by others
- HUD can PAUSE or START dancing, or select PREV-MENU-NEXT dance
- NOTE: individual avatars cannot activate isolated dances (the HUD sets everyone's current dance)
• Owner can ATTACH to AVATAR CENTER (instead of REZzing) to use as a 'Dancing Pet'
- - - (it will also move if/when your avatar center turns or walks)

1) WATCH IT ! - Click "Watch it in action" right below the image up above (a short animated GIF)

2) WATCH IT ! - Click the "View Video" at bottom of this page (a longer MP4 video on YouTube).

NOTE that the animesh objects and HUD ship as physically MODIFY (and COPY), but...
- - - SL AniMesh ignores in-world edited size change and draws the AniMesh object at its PREDEFINED SIZE
- - - scripts are no-modify

This animesh object uses a good low-poly mesh and textures to be an attractive 3D implementation while its hand-selected LODs keep prims (Land Impact) as low as practical. Its one movement script and exploitation of new "AniMesh" animation keeps lag to a minimum.

You can see and try the dancing HEART in-world at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Exotic%20Forest/195/126/2201
- - - Please come and dance with them so they don't get bored.

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • ANIMATED-MESH dancing HEART (rez one or several)
  • Object animation uses human BVH dance files
  • any avatar can touch object to dance (or stop)
  • Owner can ADD the HUD, or rez it for use by others
  • HUD can PAUSE or START dancing, or select PREV-MENU-NEXT dance
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 19, 2020 by Duthani

this animesh heart looks nice on my dancefloor in the clb...you eveen can dance with them ...nice item

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