Awesome apparel designed specially for you by *Stars*Fashion*!
Mesh resizables boots (doing click), mesh skirt in 5 sizes, mesh jacket (in 5 sizes), tanga, shirt layer and many alpha layers for boots .
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See item in Second LifeSexy
The "little black" that a girl won't miss in the cabinet :)
For standard avas.
I wish I could get this for mesh body :)
OMG - for only 5 Linden a complete outfit in highest quality - LUV LUV LUV -
thx so very much! Don't hesitate girls: BUY THIS!!!
Oh my gosh love it
this is a elegant outfit with a little sexy thrown in Thank You to the creator
nice look
The outfit is well made and makes you to the eye-catcher of the night, without let you looking like a S***. Good design.