*IMPORTANT NOTICE* Muds N Nias Hidden Shops have closed In-World. ALL of our Items are now ON SALE for UNDER L$100 These Items are Only Available through the Marketplace.
We have merged into a new Identity and Product line "Left Hand Shoppe" Soon to be available In-World and on Marketplace.
One of 3 versions created for Spring 2010.
Home made chime sound and melody! Made at home by myself on 3/21/10. With REAL wind chimes. I guarantee you have not heard chimes like this in SL!
All prims are made up of top quality sculpties. These sculpties hold shape at a distance and look gorgeous.
Wind Chime features
Unique melody with easy to use touch On/Off sounds. Owner controlled only.
Volume is menu controlled with a choice from 1 (the lowest) to 10 (the loudest)
Very slow rotation
Rotating textures INSIDE the sculpties for a very dramatic and gorgeous texture effect
A minimal bling sunlight effect. Looks very natural like the suns reflection.
Gold with Celtic Pentacle Charm
Check Out Some Of My Other Products
Celtic Windchime Blue
*Little Shop* Cottage style Cabin and Home
Woodland Gardeners House (Forest Brown)
Woodland Lodge (Forest Brown)
* UNholy Chapel * Evil Church / Vampire / Satan
Hidden Tavern
Visit In-World at Muds N Nias Hidden Shops!