This is a complete paint-ball pack for your avatar, comes with clothes, hud, armor and paint-ball gun, the hud registers hits taken/received as soon as the avatar gets hit enough times he falls down, to get back up just detach your paint-ball gun and then re-attach it.
To shoot the gun make sure your not in chat window press ESC twice to get out of chat window and press "M" key to go to mouse-look mode, use left click to shoot.
P.S. i set the price to 1L so you can purchase this item as a gift for a friend.
okay issue
So then unless I am missing something this thing does NOT work because when I was testing it it didn't register the bits on my buddy after I gave him a copy of the armor and hud. is it like set up to teams or something?
great fun
great fun set, i'd still use it, if it wasnt for the fact that the body armor spawns an invisible box when the wearer dies... hard to clean up here..
also the invisible box wants to transport people somewhere.. but its no mod so it wont work on my location...
if only the body armor was moddable, i'd change the coordinates, or remove the box alltogether and still use this thing.
great fun still!!! just remember to clean up invisible boxes afterwards :)
never got it
bought a few of them and never recived them....wrote the seller and never got an answer back
No gun No mod hud
I purchased this for the gun only. Well there is no gun with this set. there is no clothing with this set besides really bad set of boots. I admit this is only 1L but Still false advertising is false advertising.