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Pet Basket for VKC Pets by Vavoom!

Pet Basket for VKC Pets by Vavoom!

With their smart scripting that detects and interacts intelligently with the dogs and their custom made sculptmaps and textures, Vavoom! Dog Houses set the standard for VKC Dog Houses.

* Compatible with VKC Dogs, Cats and Bears

With just a couple of clicks, you can send your dog to bed and with a couple more you can wake him up again. You don't need to type anything or teach your dogs marks or tricks. One click on the dog house gets you a list of dog names. When you choose a name, the dog house and the dog do the rest.

If you have several dogs, they can all share this house. Click on the bed inside the house at the position you want the dog to go to. He will go right there and lie down. Click again in a different spot and choose another dog.

The dog house sets your dogs to passive mode when they lie down which ensures that they stay put for as long as you want them to. When you wake them up again, they are set to active mode so that they can can run about and do as they wish.

The smart scripting doesn't stop there though. If you have several dogs, you can tell the house to remember the positions that they are lying in. Next time you need to send them all to bed, you can choose "All Dogs" from the menu and they'll all go and lie down in the house. You'll find that this option still works if you take the house to a different place on your sim or even if you take it to a different sim entirely.

The extensive menu options allow you to choose between three variations of colour, giving dark medium and light finishes for the house.

The menu system will also allow you to choose the pose that the dogs do when they get into the house. You can choose between:

* Rest – this is the default
* Bang (Right) – Lies down on his right side
* Bang (Left) – Lies down on his left side
* Sit
* Down
* Bellyup

The dog house comes with a full set of Instructions and descriptions of all the Menu Options.


Vavoom! Accessories for VKC Dogs are copiable, but if you do happen to lose one or more of them you can reclaim them from my store at Turing Isle using the Update Stations. Likewise from time to time when I update the toy or the code, you can get free updated versions of your Vavoom! Accessories.



Prims - copy/mod.
Scripts - copy only.


Prim Count: 8
Land Impact: 14


For more examples of my products please visit my Main Store in SL or my web site.
Main Store: http://bit.ly/chiva
Web Site: http://http://www.chivavavoom.com/

Vavoom! is a member of the VKC Registered Accessory Creator Program.

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Intelligent scripted system, interacts with VKC Dogs
  • Compatible with all VKC Dogs, Bears and Cats
  • Colour Changing
  • Free Updates
  • VKC Registered Accessory Creator