You can have the breasts, bums and tums of your favourite Team member.
These full perms physics layer wear-ables let your avatar's shape move in a much more realistic and user controllable manner.
Simply wear the desired type, or make your own using the appearance floater.
More information available:
Included are:
Jessica Lyon Physics
Miro's O-RIM Male Butt Physics
Mobius Ryba Physics
Pud's Very Subtle Bounce Physics
Sunset Faulkes Physics
Thea Brianna Physics
Whirly Fizzle Physics
Tonya's Physics
Zi's Physics
Wonderful and funny
A great package, from Pud's if you want discreet to Jessica's if you want to fall out of your clothes or look awesome walking on the nude beach.
Oh thank god
I had NO idea what I was doing setting these things.
was great to see what the phoenix team developed
I love using one of them that I modified a bit to suit my characters. it also comes with a fun bouncing animation to show how big and wild or subtle the bounces are.
Thank you! what a wonderful team we have! Much appreciated and wonderful product!