G Geral

Pirate Wall Scrolls - pack of two

Pirate Wall Scrolls - pack of two

Avast there, me hearties!! ~ this be treasure!

A pack of two sculpted wall scrolls as shown in ye olde pics

The one with ye two olde wooden spindles be three prims, the other one be two prims.
Check out ye other scroll packs too!
Oh Arrr ~ a warrrning for ye ~ not suitable for landlubbers!

PLEASE NOTE: The wooden spindles look all distorted in the pics, but they're not like that in SL at all; they're perfectly straight ~ it's all down to my lousy picture-taking ability, I'm afraid :(

The text shown in the pics is as supplied, but if you need anything else written on them, please drop me a notecard detailing which design you want etc - custom scrolls will cost 35L each.