Classic styled UFO beamship, inspired by the Billy Meier photographed Pleiadian Type 1 spaceship. This three-seat model allows for a pilot to fly with two co-pilots. The vehicle has wide windows encircling almost the entirety of the interior of the ship, providing good views of the surrounding region while in flight or stationary. This UFO can fly in physical form in both Hover Mode (classic UFO flight) and Flight Mode (classic airplane flight).
FOOTPRINT: 20m x 20m
PERMS: Copy & Modify
Flight Instructions:
Right click on vehicle, then choose Board/Ride from the menu. The vehicle movement is controlled with your standard movement control methods for Second Life (ie: W,A,S,D,PgUp,PgDn or whatever your customized methods may be). To activate and use the vehicle, type the following commands into open chat:
start - This will turn the engine on.
stop - This will turn the engine off.
b - This will toggle (on/off) the brake.
f - This will activate Flight Mode.
h - This will activate Hover Mode.
w - Move the vehicle forward.
a - Move the vehicle left.
s - Move the vehicle backward.
d - Move the vehicle right.
PgUp - Increase altitude/speed (hover/flight).
PgDn - Decrease altitude/speed (hover/flight).
***NOTE: The vehicle should make a noise when you sit down as a pilot. The vehicle should also whisper to you, to confirm that you are the Pilot. If you do not hear the whisper, or do not hear the noise, then you will need to stand up and sit down again to have the vehicle recognize you as the pilot. The vehicle must first recognize you as the pilot before it can operate.
- Three seats for pilot plus two co-pilots.
- Wide 350 degree view interior windows.
- Both airplane flight and UFO hover modes.
- Full physics enabled flight for added realism.
- Inspired by the Billy Meiers photographed UFOs.
What a Great Product!!!
This UFO is perfect for what i wanted. I wanted one with another seat so my girlfriend and ride with me plus I can take another! I love how it has a ramp that opens up so you can walk up into the UFO. It has a very nice window which allows you to see all around! To fly it is so easy and enjoyable. When you start it up or land, it creates dust particles giving it a more realistic effect! This is a wonderful UFO and I highly recommend it. There was only one problem I had but an easy fix which had to do with the seating of the copilots. When my Girlfriend tried to sit in the copilots seat she ended up in the floor. But no worries...all you need to do is go into edit, then click on edit linked. Then you need to click on the seat and go under the content tab. You will see a script and a pose. Click on the script and open it. In the script there is a line that says: vector Position=<0.0, 0.0, -1.1>;
This needs to say this: vector POSITION=<0.0, 0.0, -0.1>;
Then reset scripts by clicking on the reset scripts button and close the edit box and there you are! You need to do this with both of the seats and there you are! Your co pilots will enjoy the ride as much as you do!
Thank you so much Jingah Ling!
so coooool
now I can go back home ! thank you very much