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Poorly Sick ArmChair (Red) & Poorly SickKit

Poorly Sick ArmChair (Red) & Poorly SickKit

Got a bad case of the sniffles or seasonal flu but not getting the sympathy you deserve from your friends or partner? Maybe they just don't get how under the weather you are feeling. Well now there's no excuses for them not to notice.

This well crafted chair, a lovely occasional piece of furniture in its own right, has six animations which when selected via the menu, are accompanied by an auto-rez knee blanket recliner foot rest, bowl of chicken soup when required.

CHAIR ANIMATIONS : Using the phone - Perhaps calling for a paramedic but more likely ringing around your friends letting them know how poorly sick you are feeling. Waiting for the chocolate, flowers and get well soon cards to start flooding in.

Cough and sneeze 1 & 2 - Two 900 frame animations for use with the hankie prop provided. Used with the sound buttons and hankie creates a realistic and very annoying coughing fit. Still being ignored? Hit the sound button again and drive your partner or friends crazy!!

Reading - Curl up under the auto-rezzed plaid blanket and read the book. War and Peace? The latest Harry Potter?, Romantic Novel? Well whatever your imagination wants your imagination gets. But look closely and the book is actually a medical dictionary. Well you gotta put a name to that pain!

Chicken Soup - Does what it says on the tin - An eating animation coupled with a tray and bowl of soup that auto rezzes when the animation is selected.

Hot Lemon - The chair offers a number of accessories via the menu including a glass of steamy hot lemon drink for use with this drinking animation.

Accessories including hot water bottles, bottle of cough syrup, mobile phone, medical dictionary book, hankies, teddy bear (panda), ice pack (worn on head), thermometer, hot lemon drink are vended when needed via the menu or supplied with the SickKit included with the chair package.


Also included are poseballs and loose accessories enabling you to set up your sick bed, or if you're a man, 'death bed', anywhere you like in your home.

Two poorly sick animations in a unisex purple colored poseball which can be placed on your existing furniture such as a bed or couch.

Couples set 1 - Tend to Him - A simple animation set designed for any flat surface. A bed is ideal or large couch. The animation has the guy suffering from a dose of the sniffles and a sneeze or two as his ever loving partner sits by his side giving endless sympathy. A hankie provides the coughing fit sound effect for use with this poseball.

Couples set 2 - Tend to Her - This time it's her turn. She brings the hankie up to her nose, sniffles, sneezes etc. A girls version of the hankie (Supplied as wearable inventory item) provides female cough sound effects.

Prims - Chair = 7
Max With Rez Objects = 16

Reviews -

TrishaNicole GossipGirl on 2009-12-31
"Oh if I only had this in RL life would be more bearable. I love this and it gives me something to do in world when I feel like crap in the real world. Love the colors too! =)"

Kristianna Fotherington on 2010-07-31
This is about the cutest damn chair I ever bought! Love it.

Gaelyn Seomun on 2009-11-03
This is great. Bought for my SL sister who's down with a bad case of the sniffles...so she can curl up and be miserably comfy and cute. The animations are great, the sounds are funny. This was the perfect thing to make her smile. Love it!

majik Meltzer on 2010-03-27
2 of 2 members found this review helpful.
kyoot and funny

TrishaNicole GossipGirl on 2009-11-16
I got this for a sick friend to cheer her up and so far its worked. I have it marked as a favorite so that its easy to find when another one of my friends are poorly sick. =)

  • The ideal 'Get Well Soon' gift to your friends or to yourself
  • Original Item For Those With A Sense Of Humour (Or the Very Poorly)
  • High Quality Furniture Item
  • Sculpted Prim Construction
  • High Quality Original Item From The TMS Designs Stable