The Aperture Science Portal Gun (aka Handheld Portal Device, aka Portable Quantum Tunneling Device) is breakthrough in transport technology: by firing the gun at solid surfaces, you will create glowing portals (alternating blue and orange). Walking through (sitting on) either portal will have you emerge from the other portal, almost instantaneously!
Only one portal of each colour can exist at a time (e.g. creating a new blue portal will destroy the old blue portal). Portals have a maximum lifespan of 60 seconds, so you don't have to worry about cluttering up the sim with them.
The Portal Gun will change its running lights from blue to orange relative to what the next colour portal to be created will be.
The Portal Gun attaches to your right hand. It comes with a built-in holding pose, and will pose the fingers of your right hand into a suitable position (this only works for Classic avatar hands and Bento-enabled mesh hands/gloves).
Not all of our products are listed on the marketplace – we have many more items in our in-world store (plus group gifts etc). See you there!
Second Life の商品を表示More than just a pretty face
Glad I went with this one! Granted, I didn't test out every Portal Gun in marketplace, but I liked that this one was 100% mesh. Certainly the price was right.
First off, it looks terrific, which is what I was most concerned about. Even without any advanced lighting effects running, the gun's glow looks amazing. Great care has been taken with the texture, so that the gun is juuuust a little beaten-up. It isn't overloaded with unnecessary detail, but it certainly holds up to close scrutiny. The built-in pose works well. If you have your own idle animations you like to use, your avatar will just hold the gun normally. I like how it works with bento fingers a lot.
The fact that this Portal Gun is scripted so well is really just an added bonus. You shoot the gun in mouselook/first-person mode to shoot portals, and I was delighted to see that this action actually changes the gun's glow from blue to orange and back! When the gun shoots, it makes the sound effect from the Valve games, and then it takes just another moment for an illuminated, color-coded doorway to appear on the wall. (I assume this only works in sandboxes or in parcels where object entry is permitted -- I tested it on the walls of my house.) To teleport locally, you "sit" on the either the orange or blue portal (which is the norm for local TPs), et voila, your avatar animates, and you walk in one portal and back out the other! It isn't the most useful thing in the world, but boy, is it neat. (It's also quite a lot more than I was expecting for 99 lindenbucks.)
I'm wearing the gun along with the jumpsuit and shoes the creator is modeling in the Marketplace picture, along with some baked-on facial mud, blue contact lenses, and my favorite ponytail by Lamb, "Cat Rider." I am sure to win the costume party!!
Great for fun and a decoration
This is a perfect easter egg to have as a decoration in my space station. It works great for a 99L item!
Not what I expected
..... doesn't work as well as I had hoped. Sometimes the portals don't spawn at all.
Functional but
The walking animation into the portal is kinda bleh but great.
Also where did you get the pressure plate in the picture.