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Prince Club With Juke Box

Prince Club With Juke Box

This club comes in two sizes large or small. Is made for sky use, but can be rezzed on the ground with landscape around it. The dj stand has an animation board for your avatar to use as a dj placed on ground behind dj stand. There are two copies of a dj animesh avatar provided that can be used as a prop to play along beside you or another dj if you wish. Provided are two should you lose your original copy. She dances and plays a dj animaton. The dj stand has many buttons for emitting textures of light. The smaller buttons have sounds with words that will appear on your screen for an audience to read and hear. The juke box once clicked on the front will play many famous tunes by Prince. Click the front again to stop the music if you want. The balls on the front of the juke box also have two emitters. Eleven songs are in the juke box. No music stream is needed. A dance plate is included with dances. Low prims and self contained. 86 prims total and 118 with animated dj/hostess. Great price for all included.

  • Dome Club in 2 sizes
  • DJ Stand with emitters
  • Dance plate
  • Anmesh Dj