Smoothly rigged twin tails Anime style hair with color slider HUD for unique customization.
Two channel color HUD, tint the hair and hair accessory.
Toggle hair accessory on/off with HUD.
► Includes three sizes.
► High quality mesh hair (High LOD).
► Enhanced high res hair textures.
► Fully rigged hair.
► Color slider HUD.
► White tint-able hair texture.
► Fully Mod/Copy.
► Compatible with Rigged Heads and Bento Heads.
Use (M) for Rigged heads such as M4, Catwa, ASR Aeon, and bento heads.
Use (L) for Larger unrigged heads, such as M3, Venus, (Edit head size shape to adjust hair size).
Use (ASR) for =ASR= Bento heads.
- High quality mesh hair and textures.
- Enhanced hair textures.
- Color slider HUD.
- White tint-able hair texture.
- Fully Mod/Copy.
love it ! unrigged in the future ?
i absolutely adore this hair and have been eyeing it for quite some time, although i was disappointed about it being rigged. the biggest reason i turn to project hair items is because they're unrigged and resizable, making them extremely versatile ! i would love to see an unrigged release of this hair in the future. other than that, it's an extremely cute hair and i would definitely recommend.
Fits M4 Venus fairly well
The hair hovers a bit above the scalp but it's livable. You might find that the ASR size fits a bit better. Very cute hair! :D
Cute, but i double purchases
It was nice hair, love it. But can i get refund for double purchases~ Please i want to buy another hair from your store
(Project Hair) Aura (rigged)
very cute hair , well made and at an excellent price