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[Prometheus Creations] Alien Xenomorph Avatar Version 2.4

[Prometheus Creations] Alien Xenomorph Avatar

Alien Xenomorph Complete Avatar

The Xenomorph (Latin, Internecivus raptus, "murderous, deadly" and "seized"), better known as the Alien, are an extraterrestrial, endoparasitoid species with multiple life cycles, possibly originating from the planet Proteus (also known as Xenomorph Prime). One of the most deadly of all known alien species, these creatures need a host organism in order to reproduce. The appearance of the Xenomorph varies depending on its host. The human phenotype is generally around 7–8 feet, and roughly 136.0 to 181.4 kilograms with a long, muscular tail and large, curved, oblong head. The Queen of the species is generally twice as large and possesses superior speed, strength and intelligence. The term Xenomorph is derived from the Greek words xeno ("stranger", "alien", and "foreigner") and morphe ("form", "shape").

Unparallel realism. Able to walk on walks and ceilings, opening up unbelievable role playing abilities. Complete with original xenomorph sounds. Fully animated inner mouth and lower jaw.

The secondary jaws, also known as the inner mouth, double jaw, or maw, is another disturbing feature of the species. It's assumed that it's powered by extremely strong muscles inside the creature's head, that enable it to be quickly launched and retracted, similar to the tongue of a chameleon.

Fully Hud Controlled features.

You can rez eggs from inventory, and use the HUD to make them pop facehuggers. Facehuggers will chase nearby avatars, and infest them with Chestbursters.

Version History
v2.4 Scripting error not allowing random roars to be played. (sorry guys, too much work is bound to make you miss a few ; and})
v2.3 MOCAP Bipedal run version of AO added. Now users can selecti quadrapedal or bipedal running AO.
v2.2 MOCAP Animations added to the AO
v2.1 Added sound switch on/off for roaring sounds on HUD.
v2.0 Fixed minor rigging issues, Provided body version for 3rd party AO use.
v1.2 Added Eggs that give birth to Facehuggers.
v1.1 Full Materials Enabled. Fixed jaw bug that affected some users.
v1.0 Initial Release
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See item in Second Life
  • MOCAP Animation Overrider
  • HUD Control
  • Walks on Ceiling - Walls
  • Realistic Sounds
  • Inner Mouth Attack Effect
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Close to be perfect
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted August 18, 2022 by Wiger Bookmite

I would give 5 stars if the sell would offer a demo.
And a non animated tail with a bento body y is a big fail.
But the Alien is very well done,
The Hud is working...also the climbing function.
And i tried out the eggs...they working well...and the face hugger attating people nearby and claim their face......very nice... but if i may do a suggestion....it would be better to be able to open a single egg for the immersion....i tried it with more than one egg and they opened all together and all facehugger attacked straightly my victim.. i think one of them is enough to a normal human ..and it looks stupid a little
I hope the alien get some further support
Some suggestions for a update
Saliva dripping from the mouth teeth
some additional Animations
The possibility to open single eggs for better rp
and please the animated tail....the static one is nice but NOT ANIMATED

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Love it!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 30, 2021 by AtsuWaffles

I mostly just bought this cause I have my own Xeno avi and just needed the hud, still a great purchase for any xeno lover. The wall climb is just, cheffs kiss

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xeno fans
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 18, 2020 by Goonther Blackcinder

just got this, love it!

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Awsome Avie, but no tail animations?
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted December 11, 2019 by CoriVorta

Maybe i missed something but I can't find ANY tail animations in this product whatsoever... honestly a shame, avie would be perfect otherwise

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 06, 2019 by YianniY

High detailed, great animations and scripts!
Thanks for your great art work!

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted July 08, 2017 by TonyMontanaa

nice model animation are cool but for this price need moore feature try to add moore sound and animation i love it

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