Thank you for choosing Prop'ed Up. We value you as a customer and appreciate your business.
ALL of our poses are BENTO.
Poses come with either pose balls or pose stands. To use, rez them on the ground then sit. (If an object rezzes, such as a Table, sit on it.)
Poses that use AVsitter: Touch for menu with poses.
Pose animations are Copy only.
Pose stands for multiple poses are Copy/No Mod/No Trans due to scripts inside.
Some objects have custom textures & some are resizable, touch for menu. These items say no mod due to the scripts inside.
Accessories included with poses will have either Copy/Mod/No Trans perms for items used by the purchaser, or No Copy/Mod/Trans perms for items that should be used for avis other than the purchaser.
We can not refund except with proof of double purchases.
Please enjoy your products and contact me if you need anything.
Thank you,
Aj Zimermann
- 5 Singles poses
- Avsiter pose stand