A gigantic capital spaceship. Based on an Amarr freighter from EVE online bearing the same name. This old fella has had a good run and now this gigantic classic can be yours on layaway.
184M In length, approximately 50M in width and height. (a whole sim is 256M in length)
Despite its huge size and being 256 prims, the ship is ONE SOLID LINKED OBJECT. It crosses sim borders effortlessly and without any more lag than a car would.
The whole spaceship uses less scripting resource than the average glittering ninny knows they are wearing in attachments.
In a completely empty sim the Providence has been clocked as fast as 0.11ms of script resource usage. ULTRA efficient and low lag.
Includes various and numerous decks, 2 command stations, holo-screen and animated displays, a reactor core, 2 flight hangars, bright exterior hull running-lights, 5 large booster engines, and comfortable seating for your whole crew.
Comes FULLY MODIFIABLE and able to be copied.
Also includes 512x512x512 Space background sphere
See item in Second Life View Video »i like
Really nice and huge, just what i was looking for :)
OK. Its huge. Perfect. Lots of room and a nice big hangar.
And above all cheap an retro ;)
Well done.
Great RP Ship!
The Providence was a great backdrop to my RP and it is well worth it!
massiv spaceship with a lot of space. awesome price too. i spent some time to explore hole ship.
My best ship.
This most reliable ship of it's size that i have yet to own. It crosses sims as reliably as just walking. It has enough room inside to rp almost anything. I am planning on getting rid of some things inside and turning it into a command ship for my faction.
HUGE (but only 250/prim!)
Yes, so large you can get lost inside. Yes, it flies good! Yes, its low land impact for its size! Yes its mod if you think the interior is fugly as sin, you can decor how you want! :D
Outside is a great tribute to EVE online and looks good.
So I bought the largest cheapest ship I could find because .... Im a little sick of how much SL costs for living with hidden fees and such... Going to modify this with a few creature comforts and live aboard it for awhile.