Boxing Glove Gun
To use this item, right click on the boxing glove gun in your inventory and select 'wear' it to attach it to your right hand. You should go into mouselook mode to fire the gun. When you are close to an avatar and shoot the boxing glove will spring out at the target on its fixed spring system. When you shoot an avatar from further away a boxing glove will shoot out at them as a projectile. Clicking on the attached gun it will display the options menu.
The gun has the following built in options...
This toggles 3rd person mode on/off. When 3rd person mode is activated you can shoot by clicking your left mouse button even when you are not in mouselook. Please note however that this will only shoot the spring mechanism out so you will need to be close to an avatar to hit them. You can still shoot long range projectiles when in mouselook mode. 3rd Person does not disable the mouselook functionality.
Health Meter
This will send you a fun health meter that you can wear above your head. When this is attached you can fight with friends. When the health meter depletes to zero you will keel over and die.
This will turn the 'Boff' hit target particle effect on/off
If you would like to turn projectiles off completely so you only use the spring loaded mechanism you can select this option.
When on push enabled land avatars that are hit will be given a small nudge. You can toggle this push effect on and off with this option. Please note that regardless of this option, you can only push avatars on land that allows you to push.
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Abranimations (R)