Looking for a Gun? Then after that, a Melee Weapon, Sword, Axe, Dagger?
The Punisher Weapons Combat Pack incorporates both Gun and Melee in one Package. The Melee and Gun animations work together effortlessly providing you smooth non-conflicting animations and weapons performance. Why buy a Gun only to find out the Melee Weapon you purchased does not work properly with it?
Combat Pack Contents
• Enforcer M1911s Single Left or Right with Holsters
• Punisher ICE Swords with Prim Sheathes and the Punisher Weapons Heads Up Display
Enforcer M1911 Specifications
Finally a gun that Fits!
• Your Enforcer Guns include resizing, simply enter the Options menu and click “Bigger” or “Smaller” that’s it your done, adjust hand placement, now you have Guns that Fit your Avatar Big or Small!
Colt-45’s Specifications
• M1911 Right(Single): 10/15/35/50/100/Unlimited Rounds Ammunition
• M1911 Left(Single): 10/15/35/50/100/Unlimited Rounds Ammunition
• ”RP” M1911 Right(Single): 10/15/35/50/100 Rounds Ammunition
• ”RP” M1911 Left(Single): 10/15/35/50/100 Rounds Ammunition
• “RP” Models have lower BPS(8.5)/Clip Size and Velocity setting to conform with stricter Combat Sims.
• Custom Aiming Animations
• Prone and Crouch Animations
• Custom Draw and Holster Animations
• All sounds Authentic sounds for each Weapon
• Full Auto Mode has 10 sounds to choose from to customize to your liking
• Damage Rounds - Compatible with DCS2, CCS, Warps and all Lindon Combat Zones causing 100% Damage
• Training Rounds - Allowing the user to see the bullets more accurately for practice firing
• Colored Ammunition - These have a real impact on the game beautifully scripted Colored Bullets come in Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, Gold and Pink for the Ladies
• BloodSplat rounds create a Blood Splatter on Target with No Lag
• Holsters - Beautifully crafted Canvas Leg Holsters in Small, Medium and Large to fit all, Fully Modifiable, Color Changing with Gun Color
Other Features
• Auto Reload - When firing the Guns automatically reload, a gesture is also included to manually reload
• Fire rates - Full Auto and Semi Auto giving you the freedom to shoot how you like
• Safety Features - Safe on and No safe functions
• Special Options - Shells and Clips On/Off
• Menu Driven Commands - Just click the gun to access full menu of all functions Ammo, Velocity, Sounds, Animations, Clip Size, Draw, Sling, Options, Fire rate, Reload, Safe On, Safe Off
• Fkey Driven - F10/Draw, F9/Sling
• Velocity Settings - 3 Velocity Settings 50/85/150/250
• Free Lifetime Updates - Your Weapons will Automatically Update when an Update is Released
• Low Lag Weapons – While others are not firing you will be…Enforcer Weapons are scripted with Low Lag in mind. From the ground up built in high lag Sims to perform flawlessly in the thickest of Lag.
Punisher Melee Specifications
• 8 Different Animation Sets - 8 Completely Different Animation Sets to choose from.
• 4 Different Sound Sets - 4 Completely Different Sound Sets to choose from.
• 4 Different Back-Jump Modes - A really sweet feature of the Punisher Weapons Heads Up Display is Back-Jump Mode, when the "Down Arrow" Key is depressed instead of a regular Melee Animation a Jumping Feature can be toggled on and off. With 4 different Modes to choose from.
• Completely Configurable Hud System - With all the options of the Punisher Weapons Heads Up Display, you can configure it any way that suits your Melee Style. Animation 1, with Back-Jump-2, Stance 5, with Sound Set 2, and the Heads Up Display saves your Configuration each time its changed.
• 10 Stances - 10 Different Stances to choose from, the stance begins when you depress the left mouse button when the Punisher Weapons Heads Up Display is Activated.
• Custom Prim Sheaths - Beautifully Crafted Sheaths in sizes Small, Medium and Large.
• 2 Huds - Punisher-Hud (MouseLook-OFF) and Punisher-Hud (MouseLook-ON). Indicating Mouselook On/Off for Melee aniamtions.
Mouselook Off: When you are in Mouselook the system will not play melee animations. This is Ideal when using other weapons such as a Gun which fires in Mouselook and plays animations in Mouselook.
Mouselook On: This hud is for those who wish to play melee animations while in Mouselook some Combat Systems work this way so we left as an option.
• Swords change colors with 65 Color Options the Guns really become customizable to your style! The Holsters and Sword Sheathes are Modifiable so further Color changes can be done to Customize to your look even more.
• Glow On/Off - Swords have toggle Glow-On and Glow-Off and the Glow effect does not show when you have the Weapons holstered/sheathed.
Great Detail
10 Stars best bang for your buck.