Puny Pirate Ship ~ Mini Pirate Ship Attachment!

Ahoy Mateys!
Need that finishing touch to complete your pirate look? Cant get approved for a loan for a full size ship? Well have I got a deal for you...
Now you can have your own personal, puny, pygmy Pirate Ship!
And because I like you Ill throw in a pair of barely used oars for free
-Wear as an attachment, no need to rez anything or have land rights, wear it anywhere :D
- Comes with a full, internal AO, Just wear the boat and go!
-Ive sprayed it with crocodile repellant so dont worry
Now go plunder some booty!.
- Wearable
- Internal AO
- Oars included
Pirate Are Fun
Well I was having a fun browsing session of random stuff on Marketplace and stumbled across this little beauty, absolutely hilarious product fun and playful and can laugh running around.
Pirate Booty
Very fun product and idea, new store I stumbled across fun stuff here, will be back 100%