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Quertie's Uber Tip Jar

Quertie's Uber Tip Jar

When I started this project, I had a very basic tip jar and wanted to create something a little bit better, so I studied what other tip jars did, and created this one.

Complete Documentation (Updated Jan/2022)

This tip jar has the following features:

* Make any object your tip jar, including any linked object!

* Includes:
--> Copiable Script (no mod)
--> Default parameter notecard
--> Extensive Documentation with examples
--> 5 colourful copy/mod textures for particles (a heart, a kiss, and 3 notes)

* Optional Particles and 9 different parameters to control them.
--> Plus send several texture particles to tipper, not just one.

* Customize:
--> Floating Text when there is no tips in the tip jar.
--> Floating Text when you receive tips.
--> Chat text when you receive tips (to everybody).
--> IM text when you receive tips (to the tipper).
--> Distinct dialog boxes for each tip. (never lose a tip again!)

* Use 11 substitution variables for lively tip information!
--> OWNER - Your display name
--> DISPLAY - Tipper display name.
--> URI - Tipper URI so you can get their profile
--> TIP - Tip amount
--> COUNT - Tip count by that tipper
--> SUM - Tips total by that tipper
--> HIGH - Best tip of the night.
--> HIGHNAME - Display name of best tipper
--> AVERAGE - Average tips in L$.
--> PAYMENTS - Total tips (count).
--> TOTAL - Total tips (amount)

  • Configurable
  • Parameters
  • Display Names
  • Dialog Boxes
  • Particles
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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My Favourite!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 17, 2021 by Cottonheaded Ninnymuggins

I've tried TONS of donation scripts...some we've written, had made, and purchased. This is by far my go-to! Thank you!

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