In a parallel universe where people coexisted in harmony,
Ancient Civilizations never perished, conquered or destroyed.
Today's Lost Civilizations, like the Maya's or Aztecs flourished in this parallel universe!.
The Aztec Civilization evolved technologically like many of today's societies!.
It's the year 2113, the Aztecs with the help of Mayan engineers built an spaceship, that they called
The Quetzalcoatl Starship, it's mission, to find the God Quetzalcoatl home planet, a delegation of Aztec embassadors flew throught the vast and unknown universe, to find if them ancestral legends were actually true!.
Hi :) this is the Quetzalcoatl starship a rather unique design that you won't find anywhere else,
This starship is based in the figure of this Aztec deity, known to the Mayans as Kukulkan,
This ancient aztec dragon is now available to you!
This ship has won several awards in 3D shows/competitions! :)
It comes with an easy to use flying script, a pilot and copilot seats (copilot has an poseball),
and a sonic blaster weapon (non lethal), custom made textures, retractable doors and slidable ramp for your own covenience, only 30 prims land impact.
Thank you and enjoy :).
- Easy to fly script
- Retractable Doors
- Slideable ramp to enter
- pilot; copilot seats
- 30 Land Impact