--------------------------- Attack HUD ---------------------------
This is an attack HUD product. The HUD is all easy to use.
- Support:
This is just to support us to make more products and new products.
- Mouselook:
It is just something with picture for example: Batman, picture annoying one and creeper that has a noisy sound from minecraft.
- Animation Takeover:
This is just an animation that you can take over other people animation.
- Attacks:
Attack is just a thing that follows people and annoyed them. Example: Poop, it will allow you to make people poop.
- Commands:
All the command stuff that you will need. Just click it and you will see a whole menu with list. Well not that many.
- Cluster:
This attack is just a box or a thing that follows people around and annoy them.
- Abort:
Is to stop all things you do like you do mouselook batman and you shoot around, click Abort to clear everything that you have attack.
I hope you enjoy this product.
They are:
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- Mouselook Attack
- Animation Takeover Attack
- Attacks
- Commands Attack
- Cluster Attack