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*R!* DEMO Witches' Summer Hat v1.0 Version 1.0

*R!* DEMO Witches' Summer Hat v1.0

This is a free demonstration (demo) of *R!* Witches' Summer Hat v1.0.

* It is not manually modifiable.
* It's resizable by script. Touch the hat to resize it.
* It's missing a strip of pixels.
* It has demo textures only.
* It has a demo prim linked.
* It has lower Level of Detail (LoD) than the full product.
* It's render complexity is higher than the full product due to the linked demo prim.


*ReZ !t* Witches' Summer Hat is an unrigged mesh accessory perfect for summer, beach, pool and rainy day outfits for any avatar! There are 2 types of hat: one has water drops on top and the other doesn't. Hats come with 20 different colored textures changed via 2 Texture HUDs (basic colors and dual colors). Using the HUDs, you can make your hats translucent or opaque. Hats have materials applied (normal and specular textures).

Permissions: modify/copy (mesh), copy (scripts and HUDs). Due to the script being no mod, the object's properties might wrongly state that the mesh is also no mod, but the mesh is still modifiable.


--->Any future updates on this product will be free to anyone who has already bought it. To get a redelivery or an update, use the redelivery terminal at *ReZ !t* inworld store.

★SL Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/55467
★SL group: secondlife:///app/group/a66b797c-8291-f65a-365a-53c3cc5a6cb5/about
★Email: cari.rez.lobo@gmail.com
★Discord app: https://discord.gg/b3KP5vu
★Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAK_pkBTuCcOvHMMjrWeI0Q

===================== C R E D I T S ======================

-Rezeict Jecies: mesh, diffuse textures, materials textures and Texture HUDs.
-Tarocco Bun (thegenius.indigo): script work.

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