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[ R3 ] Tattoo & Applier 21M. 1609 - 100

[ R3 ] Tattoo & Applier 21M. 1609 - 100

Tattoo for classic body and applicator for body of mesh.

*( Do not drag box it on ground!
Click the box in your inventory, with the right mouse button, and select WEAR or ADD )*



● Please check if the applier has for your body mesh.

>>>>> ► DETAILS ◄ <<<<<

Tattoo for avatar mesh:


* MeshBody Legacy

》》》✔ Contains tattoo for the BoM layer 《《《

● Tattoo comes with three color tone, dark, medium and Light

● Please any questions, errors, etc., about the product, leave an IM for answers or send NotCard to me at SL

● Look at the product well, there is no refund, please contact me at SL.


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